• A Friendly Face in a Familiar Place

    Change can be challenging for any organization, and a change in leadership can be particularly trying. However, sometimes a team can be fortunate to not only have the best-qualified person for a position, but also a familiar face.

  • Education: hitting the books is a military bonus

    This is the second story in a series showcasing work areas in the 934th Airlift Wing you don't often hear about. Hitting the books, staying up late studying for an exam, and moving on to exciting new things in life is something that Senior Master Sgt. Amber Knight, 934th Force Support Squadron force

  • 934th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron: unseen heroes

    While not often recognized for their work, instrument and flight system technicians of the 934th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron are unseen heroes ensuring that aircraft stay mission-ready. They maintain flight control systems on all 934th Airlift Wing C-130s on this base.

  • First Blood: moulage brings life to training

    Staff Sgt. Sara Syverhus’, 934th Aeromedical Staging Squadron medical technician, right leg has a compound fracture. She smiles and feels nothing. Syverhus and other 934th Airlift Wing Airmen had moulage applied to them for simulated mass casualty exercises supporting operation Viking Shield.

  • AF crowns Readiness Challenge VIII winners, plans FOC event in 2023

    TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. — Following a more than 20-year competition hiatus, the Air Force civil engineering community crowned winners of the Air Force Civil Engineer Readiness Challenge April 22, 2022. Surrounded by a crowd of more than 400 civil engineers — competitors, cadre and team

  • There's a first time for everything

    The 934th Airlift Wing recently conducted a week-long exercise called Viking Shield. A major proponent of this exercise involved a simulated tactical deployment from Minneapolis-St. Paul Air Reserve Station to Volk Field Air National Guard Base, Wis. Most of the participating Airmen have experienced

  • AF Week in Photos

    This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.

  • AFRC command chief talks unity and respect with 934th Airlift Wing's Airmen

    Chief Master Sgt. Tim White, the Air Force Reserve Command Chief, visited the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Air Reserve Station on Sept. 11, 2021. White toured the base and met with Airmen, and delivered a message of unity after a year of COVID-19, the civil unrest following the murder

  • Who’s the boss: 934th Airlift Wing hosts Employer’s Day

    The 934th Airlift Wing wasn't able to host an Employer's Day in 2020 due to the pandemic restrictions. After more than a year, Employer’s Day was back and the 934 AW hosted the event for 12 employers here at Minneapolis-St. Paul Air Reserve Station on Aug. 7, 2021.

  • Moment of Motivation: September 04, 2020

    This week's 934th Airlift Wing's Moment of Motivation comes from Tony Stark, chief executive officer of Stark Industries and Strategic Homeland, Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division (S.H.I.E.L.D) consultant.