Sept. 15, 2021 Under Secretary of the Air Force talks mandatory COVID vaccination efforts with Air Force Reserve The under secretary’s purpose for the short trip to JB Andrews was to meet with the AFR and have an open, face-to-face discussion on the mandatory COVID vaccination efforts and learn what the Reserve needs at the secretary level to make this initiative successful.
Sept. 7, 2021 Air Force announces mandatory COVID-19 vaccine implementation guidelines for Airmen, Guardians Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall has released a service implementation plan that requires Airmen and Guardians to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by the following dates, unless seeking an exemption.
Aug. 27, 2021 AF Week in Photos This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.
June 28, 2021 Preventable men’s health problems JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas -- June is Men’s Health month which promotes a variety of activities males can do to have healthier, more active lifestyles.
June 11, 2021 Air Force readdresses women’s hair standard after feedback The change addresses feedback received since the previous guidance was originally published. Specifically, women voiced concerns over difficulty related to securing hair in a manner that does not extend beyond the head.
May 3, 2021 DAF kicks off 2021 Fall Prevention Focus For the eighth year, the Department of the Air Force is partnering with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration during the National Safety Stand-Down to prevent falls being held May 3-7.
April 5, 2021 Air Force celebrates April as Month of the Military Child Each year, communities worldwide look to April as an important month for children who have one or both parents or guardians serving in uniform.
April 1, 2021 Department of the Air Force remains focused on suicide prevention In 2019, the Department of the Air Force suicide count and rate were the highest in recent history.
Feb. 10, 2021 Behind the Braids: Reservists play key role in first women’s hair policy change in 70 years Reserve Airmen have been instrumental in helping bring about the first major change in the Air Force’s women’s hair policy since the late 1940s.
Feb. 10, 2021 Behind the Braids: Reservists play key role in first women’s hair policy change in 70 years Reserve Airmen have been instrumental in helping bring about the first major change in the Air Force’s women’s hair policy since the late 1940s.