• First Blood: moulage brings life to training

    Staff Sgt. Sara Syverhus’, 934th Aeromedical Staging Squadron medical technician, right leg has a compound fracture. She smiles and feels nothing. Syverhus and other 934th Airlift Wing Airmen had moulage applied to them for simulated mass casualty exercises supporting operation Viking Shield.

  • Summer heat and alcohol increase safety risks

    Traveling and outdoor recreations draw people outdoors during the summer months. Sometimes the dangers of these activities can be overlooked amidst the excitement. Summer safety brings to mind heat-related illnesses and outdoor mishaps that can often be avoided with proper planning and situational

  • New hands-free law for Minnesota drivers

    A new state law will go into effect Aug. 1, requiring all Minnesota drivers to use cell phones hands-free.According to the new law, drivers will be allowed to use their cell phones to make calls, text, listen to music and get directions, but only by voice commands or single-touch activation without