• DAF kicks off 2021 Fall Prevention Focus

    For the eighth year, the Department of the Air Force is partnering with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration during the National Safety Stand-Down to prevent falls being held May 3-7.

  • Enjoy the ride while feeling safe; SJ promotes safe motorcycle riding

    It’s important for all motorcyclists, whether new or experienced, to know and practice safe driving techniques. The 4th Fighter Wing safety office paired with members of Team Seymour to help inform and teach riders about motorcycle safety by becoming certified trainers in order to teach the Basic

  • New Year New Safety Week

    The 5th Bomb Wing Safety Evaluation will be conducting their annual Safety Week starting Jan. 4, 2021 and will continue through Friday, Jan. 8, 2021. Unlike traditional in-person briefings, this year the functional areas of safety will be conducting online briefings three times a day at 9 a.m., 12

  • Keeping the kitchen safe this Thanksgiving

    Though people may be gathering in smaller numbers this Thanksgiving Day, the celebrations across the nation will still center on food.Even in the midst of festivities and feasting, it is important to keep safety at the forefront. Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, according to the

  • Celebrating Thanksgiving Safely

    Traditional Thanksgiving gatherings with family and friends are fun but can increase the chances of getting or spreading COVID-19 or the flu. Follow these tips to make your Thanksgiving holiday safer.

  • Risks for Air Force Riders

    Whether in an automobile or on a motorcycle, the Air Force goal is always zero. Awareness of recurring factors that have contributed to past fatalities is one step we can all take in the prevention of losing our most important asset, our people.

  • Sleep is critical - for children and adults

    Routines play an important part in mental health. One routine people often overlook when they have coping problems, depression, weight issues, behavior changes, or decreased athletic performance, is sleep. I personally struggled for many years to find balance and routine regarding sleep because I am

  • Winter Driving; Are you Prepared?

    With snow and winter weather forecasted in the coming days, it’s important to re-familiarize ourselves with safe winter driving practices. According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, snow or icy road conditions were reported in 78,335 crashes between the years 2015-2019.  Those crashes

  • School is back, safety tips

    As school starts after an extended break from spring of last year there are things to be on the lookout for. Here are some things to watch for or ways to help keep children safe.