• Enlisted Workshop Nov. 9-10

    The 934th Airlift Wing Human Resources Development Council will host an Enlisted Workshop Nov. 9-10, at the Services Club. This extensive two-day workshop is designed to provide enlisted members with the necessary tools to further develop themselves into successful leaders. The event features

  • VE Day--The 96th connection

    Editor's note: this is the first of three articles detailing the 934th's connection to WWII historical events. On May 6, 1945, Edward Kennedy, chief of the Associated Press western front staff dispatched the scoop of a lifetime. At General Dwight Eisenhower's headquarters at Reims, France, General

  • Mettle man: sheet metal technician hones skills for marathon

    Fit to Fight is the annual test of an Airman's physical ability to perform the mission which culminates in a 1.5 mile run. For Staff Sgt Jose Garza, 934th Maintenance Squadron sheet metal technician, 1.5 miles is just enough to see if his shoe laces are tied tight enough. Sergeant Garza is a

  • Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron news

    Welcome home Lt. Col. Lynn Ryberg, Master Sgt. Zachary Johnson and Staff Sgt. Jody Wortman. Congratulations to newly promoted Staff Sgt. Rachael Palmer. Happy birthday to 1st Lt. Rebecca Littlefield and new daughter, Brooklyn Raine 7 lbs 9 oz. Welcome newcomers Capt. John Wimbley and Senior Airman

  • Logistics Readiness news

    Welcome Staff Sgts Ivonne Collado and Ray Ebert, Senior Airman Delores Thompson, Airmen 1st Class Ashley Watson, Jeffrey Butler, Mary Lee and Paul Pulkownik. Congrats to Technical Sergeant Andrea Burnett in graduating from the NCO Academy. Congrats to the following Airmen who completed 7 Level

  • 9-11 bittersweet for 934th AW members

    "We accomplished a lot," said Master Sgt. Joseph Mohlis, crew chief, who just completed his fifth deployment to Southwest Asia. "We kept 650 convoys off the roads of Iraq and Afghanistan. Those are convoys that don't have to risk improvised explosive devices because our crews are flying supplies in

  • Let there be thunderous applause

    Have you ever heard the old saying "it's lonely at the top" if that is true why do we work so hard to get there? We spend years preparing and working our way up to the top even though we hear how tough it is at the top. We rely not only our skills to make it, but also on our supervisors, families

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