• AF Week in Photos

    This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.

  • AF Year in Photos

    This year's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This annual feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.

  • What to do with old ABU’s? 908th Airlift Wing Airman has the answer

    No longer authorized for official wear, many Airmen don’t know what to do with their old ABU’s. Some have discarded them or relegated them to work clothes. Others have stuffed them into storage. Senior Airman Michael A. Sanchez, a passenger services agent with the 908th Airlift Wing’s 25th Aerial

  • AF Week in Photos

    This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.

  • AF Week in Photos

    This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.

  • AF Week in Photos

    This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.

  • AMC commander announces her command priorities

    The command’s revised priorities focus and accelerate AMC’s efforts to rise to challenges in the global strategic environment and to leverage short-term opportunities to ensure the United States retains a competitive edge in Rapid Global Mobility against competitors like China and Russia.

  • Email in the cloud: CHES phase 1 completion

    On Nov. 8, 2018, the Air Force Network Integration Center, or AFNIC, concluded the first phase of the Air Force’s transition to Cloud Hosted Enterprise Services, completing the migration of 555,000 continental U.S. based Air Force hosted e-mail accounts to a Microsoft Office 365 collaboration