Need 934th info? There's an app for that now

  • Published
  • By Paul Zadach
  • 934th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
"Always Ready" is a part of the 934th Airlift Wing mission statement that has again been demonstrated as the wing shows it is always ready to be on the leading edge of new technology. The most recent example of this is the development of an application or "app" for the 934th that can be used on mobile devices.

The app began life after the idea was suggested in May 0f 2013 by then wing commander Col. Darrell Young. The colonel's vision was to have a product where someone who had never been to the 934th could have an app on their phone that would tell them where things are located, who points of contact are what information and services were available, and what time facilities are open. All the info would be instantly available by using the app.

A request went out to the 934th Communications Squadron focal point for someone to develop the app and Senior Airman Andrew Longtine, 934th Communications Flight Client Service Technician, was selected from several interested candidates by Lt. Col. Rick Erredge, 934th Communications Squadron commander. Longtine had attended training through his Air Force job that would enable him to develop the app to work on iOS, Android and Windows Phone systems. "I asked a lot of questions and then went back to my desk and did quite a bit of research on app development, " said Longtine. "I put together a plan for developing the app and Colonel Erredge liked my idea and asked me to create the app."

Longtine designed and put together all the information for the app using resources throughout the 934th such as FSS, Finance, Services and Public Affairs. He was able to use an outside vendor to do the actual coding which saved time and will assist in getting updates made in a timely manner in the future. "I also had a great deal of support from members of the Comm Focal Point Tech. Sgt. Mike O'Brien and Staff Sgts. Ben Oertle and Sammy Muriuki. They provided a tremendous amount of support throughout the process."

Longtine believes that the 934th AW is the first Reserve unit to have it's own app so there was nothing routine about the approval process.

Before the app could launch it was necessary to obtain approvals for the App to make sure it was in compliance with Air Force AFIs and Operations and Communications security guidelines. Approvals also had to be obtained for Windows Phone, Android and iOS platforms so the app would be available for all users.

"I had the app finished at the end of June and the last approval we are waiting for is for the iOS version. The Android and Windows phone versions are available now for those devices and are free for users to download. We expect the iOS version to be approved very soon," explained Longtine.

"SrA Longtine did an outstanding job with this project. He managed all aspects of the App development which gave him some great experience and mostimportantly he delivered an excellent tool for our Wing members and the public to be "Global Vikings,"" said Colonel Erredge.

To obtain the app users can simply go to their device's app store, type in "934" and the app should pop up. It can then be downloaded and ready to use. Android and Windows Phone is available now, iOS coming soon. Some of the information needs an internet connection but much of the key information is right inside the app and no connection is needed. The app not only has 934th key information but also links to the official web and social media sites.

"I would like to see the App get bigger and I am hoping for lots of downloads," said Longtine. "What I would really like is for people to give me feedback about how the app can be improved, or if people feel there is something missing. The goal is to keep the app current with the features and information the users want."