
Hard target

MINNEAPOLIS-ST PAUL AIR RESERVE STATION -- Threat reporting involving military installations is not a thing of the past. The 934th AW Anti-Terrorism Officer receives information on suspicious activity that is perceived as tests of security and monitoring of our security and mission capabilities.

These reports may be indicators that terrorist may be planning an attack on military installations or surrounding areas frequented by military members. Some of you may recall the incident at Fort Div, N.J. in May of 2007. Six individuals were arrested for plotting an attack on the installation. Their plan was thwarted by an aware citizen. When interrogated, the potential terrorist stated they considered Dover AFB, but it appeared to be too difficult a target. In the world of anti-terrorism this is known as a "hard target".

Each of us has the power to prevent terrorism. Simply being alert and reporting suspicious activity is a huge step in combating terrorism. Every unit has a Unit Anti-terrorism Representative. These people work with the 934 AW Anti-Terrorism Officer to implement measures that make our installation more secure. UATRs help en-force the need to report suspicious activity, administer the installation Random Anti-terrorism Measures program, ensure anti-terrorism training is being conducted, and disseminate information regarding the threat climate.

When reporting suspicious activity always be specific. If possible, take notes and get license plate numbers. Be specific when describing individuals and vehicles involved; i.e. race, height, approximate age, clothing worn or other distinguishing factors. When describing a vehicle, as a minimum report the color and type of vehicle; i.e. SUV, four-door sedan or compact car. Make and model if known is also valuable information. Record times, dates, and location of activity. Use camera phones if it can be done in an inconspicuous manner. Never approach someone you believe to be conducting surveillance.

Remember, each of us play a vital role in fighting terrorism. Use the tools we have in place and be cognizant of your surroundings for suspicious activity. In most cases if it doesn't seem right to you it warrants reporting. On base, contact the Base Defense Operations Center at 612-713-1102 to report suspicious activity. With your help 934th Airlift Wing can remain a hard target!