The challenging climate

  • Published
  • By Col. Cam LeBlanc
  • 934th Maintenance Group commander
Minnesota's challenging climate. At face value that statement seems fairly obvious, especially after this wicked winter, but that's not where I am going. I think I'll re-phrase it to the 934th's challenging climate.

So what is so challenging? I think it's just about everything. As a member of the 934th Airlift Wing all of us, no matter what status you are, need to balance multiple demands and requirements. I know many of you have heard of General Stenner's reference to the three legged stool. The three legs are your job, your family and the Reserve. It's tough, but I think we do a pretty good job with the balancing act.

So what else is challenging out there? I think it's the evolution of the military and our military careers, specifically positions and promotions. Like it or not there is definitely some climate change going on, on both counts. Believe me nothing is like it was when I entered the military 39 years ago.

It's a lot like the analogy of today's athletes that are bigger, faster and stronger than they used to be. The same is true with you. Today you are smarter, more educated and experienced/seasoned than the last generation of Airmen.

It's tougher now. You need to decide what your goals are and the level of commitment you can apply to reach them. I think it's much better now, not perfect, but you pretty much know what you need to do to reach the next level. That's something that definitely has changed during my career so please take advantage of that. Plan ahead, don't self-eliminate which will help us, help you.