Parting thoughts

  • Published
  • By Col. Mike Burns
  • 934th Mission Support Group commander
My original blog was supposed to be about the future of the 934thth, but with my pending move to Buckley AFB, Colorado at the end of May, I thought I would take this time to say goodbye. Let me start by saying "Thank you." In 2012, when I heard I would be returning to the 934th, I was excited and anxious. Would it be the same outstanding wing that I remember when I left in 2004? Would the 934th still be a special place where the great work ethic was only surpassed by the great attitudes? The answer is "Yes." There is a reason this wing has a great reputation and why so many who have left have said it was their best assignment. It can't be the weather! It must be the people.

I won't try to convince you I have the best job in the Air Force, but I will tell you I truly feel blessed that I had the opportunity to work with every one of you. Each of you makes my job worth doing. If I just had to sit at my desk all day and not interact with the men and women of the 934th, it would just be another job. But it isn't, and I have enjoyed every day of my time here and I will miss this place.

As part of my parting thoughts, I wish to share my view on an essential part of our core values that is very important to me: Integrity. I have always tried to put integrity first in everything I do. As I look back on my last 2 years, I'd like to think I made a positive difference. I don't know if I have and perhaps history can judge me later. However, at the end of the day, I want to be able to say I served with Integrity. Years from now, as we look back on our various assignments and careers, people will have forgotten the projects we worked on, the metrics we were measured by, and our daily activities. What they will remember of us is our integrity. At the end of the day, that is all that matters. It is important in everything we do. Integrity. Don't ever compromise it, not even once, or else a lifetime of achievements and efforts will be lost and your legacy is compromised.

Lastly, remember to live each day to the fullest, be proud of what you do every day, and live up to the standards that were set by those who came before us. If you can do that and do it with integrity, you will have served your country and your fellow Airmen with honor and dignity. Best has been my honor to serve with you...and thank you!