934 AW commander gives thoughts on Veterans Day

  • Published
  • By Col. Todd J. McCubbin
  • 934th Airlift Wing commander
Veterans Day, as we all know, is a very special day for all Americans. But to those of us who are veterans ourselves, it has a very special and added meaning.  Memories come back of families and old comrades--of distant days and places from the past.

The beauty of Veterans Day is that it gives us the opportunity to remember the valor of those who are no longer with us and honor the courage of those who are still with us today.  I have had the honor of serving as your commander for a little over a year now, and my sense of respect and pride in serving alongside you has only grown during this time.

Armistice Day, as this commemoration was first proclaimed, recognized the day the ceasefire was signed during World War I, putting an end to hostilities on November 11, 1918, at 11:00 a.m., on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. Armistice Day was first designated to honor those who fought in World War I, which was said to be "a war to end war." Unfortunately, it didn't.  This Veteran's Day, we have about 150 of our 934th Airmen deployed to Southwest Asia and other areas around the world.  Most of them will be gone for the holidays as well.  I know the 934th members here will be thinking of these Airmen and reaching out to the families who make these deployments successful.

Take time to reflect on the courage and sacrifices of everyone who has ever worn a military uniform, those still with us, and those who made the supreme sacrifice.  Also take pride in being a part of a world class organization, the 934th Airlift Wing Global Vikings.  Every one of our units has deployed.  In our history we have deployed 5,260 Airmen for 313,520 days and still counting.  We have made a difference.  We are making a difference.

Please join me as we celebrate and honor the service to our country that continues to bind us together as veterans.