Gear up--heading 155 Published March 30, 2010 By Col. Tim Tarchick 934th Airlift Wing commander Minneapolis, St. Paul -- Man, does time fly...It was just yesterday, wasn't it, on April 1, 2006 that I took command of the 934th Airlift Wing from Col. Jim Muscatell? So now, 49 months later, the "gear comes up" as I write to you for the last time as your commander. My family and I head south again to Marietta, Ga. as I take command of the 94th Airlift Wing at Dobbins Air Reserve Base May 9. We all knew this time would eventually get here. My picture gets lowered on the wall in the command suite to the "former commander" section. I get the exit interview with PA, going away dinner and good-byes. I hate good-byes. My change of command speech will reflect on some of the last four years of our accomplishments in greater detail so I will keep this column short and sweet. This has been a very rewarding assignment for me, both professionally and personally. I will never forget when Maj. Gen. Jim Bankers, the 22nd Air Force commander at the time, called me and told me we were going to have to move to Minneapolis. I called my wife and told her the news and she said "We're not moving"! For obvious reasons, it is hard to move from Florida to Minnesota in the winter. Well, after I reminded her of the basic premise that families need an income to buy food, clothing and shelter, she agreed. Then we really found out why we moved here. The Lord brought us to a church in downtown Minneapolis that has simply rocked our world. Anyway, we have been through a lot together. As a team we have EXCELLED in EVERYTHING put in front of us. Think about that for a moment.From every Major Command inspection to all the deployments to the Area of Responsibility to the thousands of other things we do day in and day out, year after year, YOU got 'er dun! You have taught me a lot and I trust you learned from me. That is what it is about, improvement. I can tell you that every day I wake up, come to work and I strive to do the right thing and find ways to improve. Improve myself and the Wing. I know most of you do as well. That is what makes this wing so great. The 934th AW is a shining star in the Air Force and Air Force Reserve Command and it is simply because of the people in it--YOU--that make it what it is. For me, this has been another career highlight. The people in this wing, traditional reservists, Air Reserve Technicians, full-time civilians and contractors are some of the hardest working people, repeat, hardest working people I have ever been associated with. You simply amaze me. I am so proud of all of you for what you do and what you have done while on my watch but I am most proud to have served with you. Please give your new commander, Col. Darrell Young, the same level of effort and support as you have given me and if you do, this unit will continue to excel to even greater heights. I will be watching your future achievements and I will smile warmly inside when they happen. Lastly, please thank your families and your employers for the support they give you because we all know that if they are not behind you, the mission suffers here. In closing, I say again THANK YOU for everything you have done to enhance the mission while I have been your commander. From my family to you and yours, God bless you all and may God continue to bless the United States of America. I love "ya'll", see ya around the pattern. T2