Spring clean up--but I don't have time!

  • Published
  • By Capt. Troy Fiesel
  • 934th Force Support Squadron
Spring time! Clocks are forwarded, lawns are manicured and houses are thoroughly cleaned. What a special time of the year. As you participate in these seasonal traditions this year add one more item to the list. In fact, this item might be the most important spring cleaning you do all season, prioritize your time.

Have you ever heard of a term called Hurried Sickness? This is a term Sociologist have coined to describe our culture's relentless pursuit to fill ever minutes of every day. It is a real sickness as illustrated in a recent study where participants were asked what one thing could be added to their lives to improve overall quality of living. The overwhelming response? More time.

In order to prevent Hurried Sickness and the stress associated with it, take time this spring to reset your priorities. Here is a simple exercise to assist with this. Think about tomorrow. Think about everything you need to accomplish. Overwhelmed yet? Now the twist: tomorrow is your last day on earth. How does this change your perspective?

Don't' certain events, activities and people become more important? Doesn't the way you allocate your time become more essential?

Now that you have identified those top three or five priorities, schedule them! Bottom line, thereĀ are only 24 hours in a day. If you don't work to include your priorities within each 24 hours, someone else will fill the time.