This Week in Operation Warp Speed - Dec. 31, 2020

  • Published
  • DOD News

Below is a compilation of initiatives, actions and accomplishments across Operation Warp Speed (OWS)’s primary efforts in the past week. To learn more about OWS, visit the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) website and Department of Defense (DOD) website.

2020 RECAP:

Here is a look back at the accomplishments of Operation Warp Speed since its inception in May. As the year closed out, more than 20 million doses of vaccines were allocated to jurisdictions and more than 14 million were delivered across states, territories and to five federal entities.


Novavax announced the start of its Phase 3 study in the U.S. and Mexico to evaluate the efficacy and safety of its COVID-19 vaccine. The trial builds on research from Phase 1 and 2 studies demonstrating that the vaccine provoked a robust immune response, generated highly neutralizing antibodies against the virus and was generally well-tolerated.


As of Wednesday, the U.S. government has allocated over 530,000 monoclonal antibodies to the U.S. healthcare system. States and territories can allocate these drugs to a variety of settings: hospitals, alternate care facilities, infusion centers, long-term care facilities, and other outpatient facilities. About 80% of these treatment courses remain available to help decrease the need for our most vulnerable patients from being hospitalized for COVID-19.


Operation Warp Speed accelerated vaccine manufacturing by selectively applying the authorities in the Defense Production Act. Priority ratings using the Defense Priorities and Allocations System and Health Resources Priorities and Allocations System were used 18 times to help manufacturers secure the raw material and components necessary to produce COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics.


Operation Warp Speed leaders made several visits to administration sites including Holy Cross Hospital in Maryland and Walter Reed, to observe the vaccine ordering and administration process in various settings.

Operation Warp Speed leaders provided updates and addressed vaccine distributions in a regular weekly press briefing. The next briefing is set for Jan. 6. Sign up for email updates.


“Operation Warp Speed delivered by the end of 2020 two FDA-authorized antibody treatments, two FDA-authorized vaccines, five vaccine candidates in Phase 3 clinical trials, and 20 million first doses of vaccine allocated, with the second doses on hand ready to be shipped a few weeks later. This is unprecedented and historic. I am grateful to everyone who has worked tirelessly on this effort this year to save lives.”—Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar

“Reflecting on the past seven months, I am so grateful for the men and women who are supporting this effort across the country - from the front lines to the manufacturing facilities. Our country has never done this before, and the dedication at all levels is powerful.” ~ Operation Warp Speed Chief Operation Officer Army Gen. Gus Perna

“I want to join General Perna in thanking and acknowledging the work of tens of thousands of people in the development, manufacture and supply vaccine and administration of the vaccine,” ~ Operation Warp Speed Chief Science Advisor Dr. Moncef Slaoui

Operation Warp Speed is a partnership among components of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense, engaging with private firms and other federal agencies, and coordinating among existing HHS-wide efforts to accelerate the development, manufacturing and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics.