Message from Col. Polashek:
In the Global Viking wing, our members are our most critical resource. Our mission's success depends upon a strong team with unity of purpose and unity of effort from each and every one of us. We all deserve a professional environment, where our members feel safe and secure. This allows us to expertly conduct our duties in support of our mission.
Be a good wingman! Preventing sexual assault is one way a wingman can really make a difference. If you see a situation that could lead to poor behavior or if someone is in need of assistance - take action. It's the right thing to do.
Victims of sexual assault will have the full support of this wing to provide sensitive care in the event of an incident. It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to ensure a victim receives the care they need and deserve, regardless of the circumstances surrounding the incident. Their care is our primary concern.
We cannot state this in any stronger terms - sexual assault is a crime that will not be tolerated. Our wing will take every action necessary to hold accountable anyone who commits this act of violence - regardless of rank or position. Every Airman deserves to be treated with respect, and every Airman is expected to act with honor. We have no place in our ranks for, and cannot tolerate, those who will not.
With the united effort of every member of the Viking wing, we will succeed in creating a zero tolerance environment and preventing these acts of violence.